Comitia tributa, voting by tribes, and commonly held in the Forum, but in choosing magistrates, freq. in the Campus Martius, convened for the first time in the trial of Coriolanus, two years after the introduction of the office of tribune of the people. In them the inferior magistrates (Ædiles, tribunes of the people, quæstors), and, later, the Pontifex Maximus also, were chosen, an entity of type: LexicalSense

Comitia tributa, voting by tribes, and commonly held in the Forum, but in choosing magistrates, freq. in the Campus Martius, convened for the first time in the trial of Coriolanus, two years after the introduction of the office of tribune of the people. In them the inferior magistrates (Ædiles, tribunes of the people, quæstors), and, later, the Pontifex Maximus also, were chosen, 
Comitia tributa, voting by tribes, and commonly held in the Forum, but in choosing magistrates, freq. in the Campus Martius, convened for the first time in the trial of Coriolanus, two years after the introduction of the office of tribune of the people. In them the inferior magistrates (Ædiles, tribunes of the people, quæstors), and, later, the Pontifex Maximus also, were chosen, 

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