. "Common or general opinion , current report , the popular voice; and objectively, fame , reputation : rumoribus adversa in pravitatem, secunda in casum, fortunam in temeritatem, declinando corrumpebant, with their slanders , misrepresentations ; cf. in the lusus verbb. with rumen : invidiam alicui concitare secundo populi rumore, with the concurring or favorable judgment , with the approbation" . "Common or general opinion , current report , the popular voice; and objectively, fame , reputation : rumoribus adversa in pravitatem, secunda in casum, fortunam in temeritatem, declinando corrumpebant, with their slanders , misrepresentations ; cf. in the lusus verbb. with rumen : invidiam alicui concitare secundo populi rumore, with the concurring or favorable judgment , with the approbation" . .