summa p.63 patet ex ... <>

summa p.63 patet ex ... 
summa p.63 patet ex Apostolo, dicto Rom. 5:16.18. quum indigitatur Øpako» obedientia, dika…wma ™k pollîn paraptwm£twn ™ij dika…wsin zwÁj justificamentum ex multis lapsibus ad justificationem vitae. KELLET misc p.194 Beza saith, dika…wsij in the fifth to the Romans signifieth more then it doth in the fourth; and seemeth thus to difference it, That, in Romans the fourth, the passive obedience imputed is understood; and, in Romans the fifth, the active obedience imputed is meant. And though in both places he doth Latinize it, Iustificatio; yet the new-coined words of Iustificamen, or Iustificamentum, seem better in his judgement to express the sense in the latter place. 

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