http://lila-erc.eu/data/corpora/CLaSSES/id/corpus/token/id/BTT-581-281 an entity of type: Terminal

Token context:

... Iunias prandeṇ[...] et Flauino abṣụ[mpti] eodem dIe moṛ[bidi] apud Sauteṇ[um] K MaIarum sịṇ[gularibus] aduentu consụ[laris] in prandio abṣụ[mpti] item f̣orịs Mỵṛịṇ[o] ...


Vindolanda writing tablets edited by Bowman and Thomas (1983-2003) and Bowman, Thomas and Tomlin (2010-2019); Number 581

data from the linked data cloud