Summer School: Digital Tools for Humanists
Date: 8th-12th June 2020
Location: Pisa, Italy
Workshop: ALIM and beyond
Date: 27th-28th January 2020
Location: Venice, Italy
Winter School: EnExDi 2020
Date: 10-14th February 2020
Location: Poitiers, France
Greta will be teaching at the second edition of the Digital Humanities doctoral winter school Encoder/Exploiter/Diffuser: Les humanités numériques dans les projets doctoraux. The school is targeted at newcomers to the field and takes a bottom-up approach, as tutorials will be based on the specific needs of the doctoral projects presented by the students.
Book: One Origin of Digital Humanities: Fr Roberto Busa in His Own Words
Editors: Julianne Nyhan & Marco Passarotti
Published: 2019
Makes available in English key selected works of Fr Roberto Busa S.J., pioneer of Digital Humanities and Computational Linguistics.
Conference: LREC 2020
Date: 11-15th May 2020
Location: Marseille, France