LiLa: Linking Latin

Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin

Photo of Vienna Cathedral

ELEXIS Observer Event

On 18th-19th February 2019, Greta will be attending the ELEXIS (European Lexicographic Infrastructure) Observer Event at the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities in Vienna as representative of CIRCSE, LiLa’s host institution. The event is intended primarily for representatives of institutions responsible for the creation of lexicographic resources and holding observer status in ELEXIS.

Photo of Rome

“Word formation, grammar and lexicology in a multilingual context” Workshop

Workshop: Word formation, grammar and lexicology in a multilingual context: between comparative-historical, theoretical, and computational corpus linguistics
Date: 6th-8th February 2019
Location: Rome, Italy

  • Eleonora Litta. Latin Word Formation Paradigms.
  • Marco Passarotti. Linking Latin (LiLa). Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin.
Photo of Trento

Invited talk at NEST Campus

Invited talk: Nest Campus, University of Trento
Date: 28th February 2019
Location: Trento, Italy

  • Marco Passarotti. “Pensare innovativo. Cosa c’entra Tommaso d’Aquino con Google?”
Photo of Udine

AIUCD 2019 Conference submission accepted

Conference: 8th Italian Conference of Digital Humanities (AIUCD 2019)
Date: 23rd-25th January 2019
Location: Udine, Italy

  • Marco Passarotti, Flavio M. Cecchini, Greta Franzini, Eleonora Litta, Francesco Mambrini, Paolo Ruffolo. LiLa: Linking Latin. Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin.
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LEMLAT 3.0 code released!

We’re really happy to announce that the LEMLAT 3.0 codebase is now public and available under an open licence! We’ve also added a DOI to facilitate citation.