LiLa: Linking Latin

Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin

LiLa at the 4th Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD-22)

The 4th Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SD-LLOD-22) is sponsored and organised by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) through NexusLinguarum, the “European network for Web-centred linguistic data science” COST Action (CA18209, and funded by the European Union, features a rich 5-day programme among which: an introduction to LiLa (in collaboration …

Conference: Humanism and Digitization

Marco Passarotti will present a lecture on Computational Thinking. Dall’automazione alla svolta computazionale nelle scienze umanistiche. Abstract: L’intervento tratterà delle sfide che l’avvento dell’automazione ha comportato nel campo delle scienze umanistiche e, specificamente, nell’analisi linguistica. Partendo da una serie di considerazioni di padre Roberto Busa, uno dei pionieri del Linguistic Computing, si mostrerà come l’automazione …

Paper accepted at LREC 2022 Marseille

A new paper by Francesco Mambrini, Marco Passarotti, Giovanni Moretti and Matteo Pellegrini has been accepted at the Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) which will take place in Marseille, France on 21-22-23 June 2022. Title: The Index Thomisticus Treebank as Linked Data in the LiLa Knowledge Base Abstract: Although the Universal Dependencies initiative today allows …

Open Science Day 2022 – KU Leuven

A new poster entitled Linked Open Data as a path towards Open Science will be presented by Margherita Fantoli and Marco Passarotti at the Open Science day 2022 at KU Leuven. Details on participation at

Digital Humanities Awards: vote for LiLa!

LiLa has been nominated for the Digital Humanities Awards for the category “Best Data Set“. Please follow the link to the DH Awards voting page and vote for LiLa!