LiLa: Linking Latin

Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin

Augustine’s De Trinitate in LiLa

The full text of the “De Trinitate” by Augustine of Hippo has been published and linked to the LiLa Knowledge Base. Start browsing the text here: or download the data from the github repository, here. And don’t forget to perform your advanced searches on the De Trinitate on the LiLa Search Interactive Platform.

Dante’s Latin Loanwords Online Now!

We just linked a glossary of Dante’s Latin loanwords to our Knowledge Base! The Glossary of Latin loanwords from the Italian works of Dante Alighieri was developed by Giulia Pedonese during her PhD course in Italian linguistics and collects 765 Italian words which are Latin loanwords attested in the four Italian works by XIIIth Century …

LiLa at KONVENS, Potsdam (12-15 September)

Our intern Ginevra Martinelli will be at KONVENS (Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache/Conference on Natural Language Processing – to present a poster titled “Linking the Bilingual Latin-English Dictionary Lewis & Short to the LiLa Knowledge Base” illustrating what she worked on during her time at LiLa. The poster is authored by herself, Ginevra Martinelli …

Webinar: Cosa c’entrano le Scienze Umanistiche con le Tecnologie?

Webinar: Humane Technology Lab
Date: 9th March 2022, 18:30 CET
Location: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore/online

  • Marco Carlo Passarotti interviene

Abstracts accepted at AIUCD 2022


  • Abstracts accepted at AIUCD 2022, the 11th Italian conference of Digital Humanities