CLaSSES Corpus in LiLa
The Corpus for Latin Sociolinguistic Studies on Epigraphic textS (CLaSSES) is now connected to LiLa!
CLaSSES (Corpus for Latin Sociolinguistic Studies on Epigraphic textS) is a digital resource which gathers non-literary Latin texts (inscriptions, writing tablets, letters) of different periods and provinces of the Roman Empire. Each text is tagged with linguistic and extra-linguistic information that allows to analyze the spelling variations in Latin non-literary sources in the light of the sociolinguistic context of the Roman world.
CLaSSES was developed by the Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica of the University of Pisa (Italy) within the project Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell’identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica (PRIN2010, prot. 2010HXPFF2_001; http://www.mediling.eu/).
The RDF version of CLaSSES was linked to the LiLa Knowledge Base thanks to the collaboration between the University of Pisa and the CIRCSE Research Centre. It includes five sub-documents:
- Corpus Epistularum Latinarum Papyris Ostracis Tabulis servatarum
- Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
- Vindolanda writing tablets edited by Bowman and Thomas (1983-2003) and Bowman, Thomas and Tomlin (2010-2019)
- Album of dated Latin inscriptions
- Inscriptiones latinae liberae rei publicae
Please visit https://github.com/CIRCSE/CLaSSES for information about Credits and Citation.