LiLa: Linking Latin

Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin


Paper accepted at SyntaxFest 2021

A new paper by Flavio M. Cecchini has been accepted at SyntaxFest 2021: the conference will be held in Sofia (Bulgaria) from 21 March to 25 March 2022.

Title: Formae reformandae: for a reorganisation of verb form annotation in Universal Dependencies illustrated by the specific case of Latin

Abstract: Nonfinite verb forms are a crosslinguistically widespread phenomenon that poses a challenge to universal annotation formalisms like Universal Dependencies (UD), often clashing with traditionally established, language-specific conventions and terminologies. This paper, using Latin as a concrete case study, aims to give a survey on the VerbForm feature distribution among UD treebanks and to suggest a restructuring thereof in a universal perspective.