Conference: Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies
Date: 3rd-5th January 2020
Location: Washington D.C., USA
Workshop: 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (ACL 2019)
Date: 1st-2nd August 2019
Location: Florence, Italy
We’re delighted to announce that the Word Formation Latin (WFL) Lexicon is complete! WFL comprises 762 Word Formation Rules, 34,744 relations and 4,003 morpho-derivational families.
Conference: 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (ICLL 2019)
Date: 17th-21st June 2019
Location: Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
Our prototype RDF triplestore database is now available online for you to try! The purpose of the database is to allow you to perform queries across different linguistic resources for Latin. The resources currently connected within this LiLa triplestore are LEMLAT, Word Formation Latin and the PROIEL Latin Treebank (Universal Dependencies distribution).