Dataset: Summa contra Gentiles complete treebank
It’s with great pride that we announce that the treebank annotation of the Summa contra Gentiles is now complete! The result of almost ten years’ worth of manual work, the Summa contra Gentiles brings the Index Thomisticus Treebank (IT-TB) to a total 460,000 annotated nodes for over 26,000 sentences.
Dataset: Late Latin Charter Treebank (LLCT)
Release date: 15th May 2020
Visiting student: Petar Stjepan Soldo
Date: March-June 2020
Provenance: Zagreb, Croatia
On 9th March MA Student Petar Stjepan Soldo from the Department of Classical Philology of the University of Zagreb, Croatia, will be joining us at the CIRCSE Centre in Milan for three months to help us connect the Croatiae auctores Latini (CroALa) corpus to the LiLa Knowledge Base!
We’re delighted to announce that the Word Formation Latin (WFL) Lexicon is complete! WFL comprises 762 Word Formation Rules, 34,744 relations and 4,003 morpho-derivational families.
Our prototype RDF triplestore database is now available online for you to try! The purpose of the database is to allow you to perform queries across different linguistic resources for Latin. The resources currently connected within this LiLa triplestore are LEMLAT, Word Formation Latin and the PROIEL Latin Treebank (Universal Dependencies distribution).