On 15th November Universal Dependencies (UD) released version 2.3 of its set of annotated treebanks. Thanks to the work of our very own Flavio M. Cecchini and Marco C. Passarotti, and of our Czech colleague Dan Zeman (Prague), UD now includes a new and improved conversion of the Index Thomisticus Treebank (IT-TB). 🤠
Between 9th-11th January 2019 Greta will be teaching at the University of Poitiers, France, at the Digital Humanities doctoral winter school Encoder/Exploiter/Diffuser: Les humanités numériques dans les projets doctoraux. The school is targeted at newcomers to the field and takes a bottom-up approach, as tutorials will be based on the specific needs of the doctoral projects presented by the students.
Workshop: Text Encoding: Latinists looking for new synergies
Date: 8th-9th November 2018
Location: Liège, Belgium
Conference: 5th Italian Conference of Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2018)
Date: 10th-12th December 2018
Location: Turin, Italy
Workshop: Universal Dependencies Workshop 2018 @EMNLP Conference (UDW 2018)
Date: 1st November 2018
Location: Brussels, Belgium